Basix Wood Flooring BF06 Multiply Natural Oak Brushed and UV Oiled Flooring.( £54.00 m2 / 64.80 Per Pack )
18mm x 125mm x300-1200mm Basix Engineered Multiply Natural Oak Brushed and UV Oiled Flooring - ABCD Grade, T&G, FSC Certified BF06.
Tongue and Groove. Pack Size 1.2m2.
Basix Engineered 3-ply Wood Flooring provides a great cost-effective yet high-performance flooring solution. This flooring comes in a variety of different grades and surface textures and is installed via floating, stick down or nail down methods. A full range of accessories including skirting, edging strips, door bars, scotia and cleaning & maintenance products are available.
If you would like more information on this wood flooring, please call us on 0115 945 5548 West Bridgford, 0115 9258347 Beeston or 0115 9670119 Arnold. 9:30am – 5:30pm, Monday to Saturday.
We offer the best prices on Basix Wood Flooring in the Nottinghamshire area. You can also email your enquiries to, or fill out our online enquiry formhere.