Here at King's, we understand that the delivery of your items is important. That's why we mainly use our own highly trained staff, together with our vehicles, to bring your items into your home. We might on occasion use a trusted courier service to deliver your goods to certain areas such as Scotland, we will let you know if this is the case. We want to ensure a delivery process that is as fast and smooth as possible for you, so have set the following schedule to do this. If ordering from anywhere other than Mainland England or Wales, please contact us on 0115 9455584 to place your order. 1) Your order is placed in-store, online, or via telephone. Once a successful payment has been completed you are given an estimated delivery timeframe (This timeframe is dependent on the manufacturer and what is purchased). 2) Your order arrives at our location, we then contact you to arrange a date of delivery that is mutually convenient and as quick as possible for you. 3) Your order leaves the store to arrive as agreed previously, to allow both parties to be present, contact can be maintained on the day to narrow down a much more specific time. 4) The item arrives at your location, you will need to be at the address to inspect and sign for your goods to ensure that your purchase contains no damaged, incorrect, or missing items. (This is because a claim cannot be made after the item has been signed for unless it is signed for as items missing, damaged, or incorrect). 5) Once inspected and signed for, we then deliver your goods into a room of your choice (unlike many other companies) and take away all redundant packaging. (N.B. All items are checked to ensure outstanding quality when leaving the manufacturer and arrival and departure at our store) Delivery Cost: £49 for Mainland England and Wales, cost may vary for Scotland.